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Summer Plans

Hey all, miss Moxie is back at it again. After a few set backs and long contemplation, I have decided to set  foot on a 1,175 mile footpath this summer, the Mountain to Sea Trail (MST). As the name insinuates the trail runs from the mountains to the sea, specifically Clingman's dome to Jockey's Ridge State Park. I will be setting out on Memorial Day and plan to finish no later than August 1. This is allowing 8 rather than the comfortable 10-12 weeks I should take to accomplish such a feat. I am ready for the challenge and could not be more excited.

Continuing from my AT thru-hike in 2014, I will be supporting the veteran community, specifically, Warrior Expeditions and attempting to raise 22.00 per day to represent the 22 deaths by suicide of veterans each day. Warrior Expeditions is a non-profit organization that sends groups of veterans on long term trips to have a chance to "Walk/Paddle/Bike off the War". You can learn more about the organization as well as make a donation on my behalf at

I plan to log my days and write a brief summary each week which will be updated on this blog. I will also create photo albums that may be posted here or in a Google album. If you are interested in my hike, in Warrior Expeditions, or just hiking in general, please follow me and feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

I look forward to starting my journey and sharing it with you.
<3 Moxie  


  1. I look forward to hear of your journey (everyday!). Be safe!! I love you!!!


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